Monday, September 29, 2008

Back on Track: More Painting Pictures

So I haven't posted in an eternity because.....I haven't felt like it. I'm still not sure whether I'm going to keep posting regularly or if this is just a one time urge.

But in case you're interested, here is the most recent painting I did. It's actually really just me repainting a lovely design of someone else with much less skill. But I think it cheers up my office pretty well. I took the picture with my camera phone cuz I didn't remember to take a picture until it was up on the wall at work.

Now that I think of it, I may get around to posting the other painting I've done, which is an unintendedly abstract picture of waves.


Anonymous said...

HEY, you posted!! love the painting -- which wall, so i can better imagine it?? (oh, and has phil commented on it? :)


Kami said...

It's on the wall facing my desk. I still need to come up with something big for one of the side walls.

No comment from Phil. I don't think he's noticed it; probably, he never will.