Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Going, Going, Back, Back, to Cali, Cali

I'm off for an exciting 5 day excursion to my glorious California homeland.  I'm not sure what sort of internet service I'll have there, so consider this fair warning:  I may not post again for a few days. 

Please have faith that this is not the month-long abandonment I did during September/August, but is instead merely a little break.

1 comment:

tmmb said...

So glad to hear you're going to see some sun! (and jealous.)

This blog is awesome! I'm going to stop forgetting about it soon. Also, an inspiration I had recently: Strips of snazzy wrapping paper (I found mine at Waterstone's Books) can really brighten up a white dorm wall. Much cheaper and less hassle than wallpaper!