Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jose Klein: Law on Plates

A couple days ago, the San Francisco Chronicle ran a story about a guy I know (and like), Jose Klein, who draws pictures with marker that illustrate famous legal cases. He also has a whole series that depicts the Supreme Court Justices. He then has them made into plates. Mainly I find this exciting because he's a great guy getting media attention, but I also think his plates are pretty cool. This one is a rendering relating to Kemezy v. Peters, a case about a bowling alley altercation. It makes me think of that tv show Ed, about a bowling alley lawyer.

Jose's depiction of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

I remember making a plate in preschool of the same variety, though less skill (it was a self-portrait), and I actually still have it around. While Jose was doing it for class credit, this seems like a kind of fun, creative way to self-express and acquire new dinnerware at the same time.

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