Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Handmade Gifts for Men

After yesterday's post, I got to thinking about how difficult it is to come up with appropriate handmade gifts for men. A lot of the handmade items are aimed at women, or at least men with a sensitive side. So here are a few ideas for some gifts men might like:


Justin said...

Mmmm. If you ever need to get me a gift Kami, the beer soap would do just fine.

Anonymous said...

kami, i hope you're not implying that only men would appreciate beer soap. if so, and if santa reads your blog, i think i'm going to pretty disappointed when i open my stocking...


Kami said...

Okay, I guess it's beer soap for everyone this year. Boy is my mom going to be surprised. =)

Katie Jean said...

thanks for linking to my wallet!