Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Craftster Chair Re-upholstery Challenge

As I've mentioned, my apartment is currently almost totally empty. So I've spent my free time looking at ways that people have taken thrift store/free chairs and re-upholstered them into fabulousity.

I can't actually do any such tasks right now, since 1) I'm 3,000 miles away, and 2) I still have 2 papers to write so that I can actually graduate law school. But I am watching with interest Craftster's Craft Challenge #28-In the Hot Seat, in which people are encouraged to transform blah chairs into objects of wonder. Entries are due June 1-5. Here are a couple of examples of past Craftster chair fix-ups:

Armchair repainted and upholstered in Amy Butler Before:

And After:

$4.99 Thrifted Chair Remake Before:

And After:

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