Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cardboard as Building Material

As a person who spent many years with a cardboard dresser by her bed, you don't have to tell me that cardboard is underappreciated as a home-furnishings material. Still, I was impressed by the examples of uses for cardboard in SuperNaturale's article, "Cardboard, Your New Best Friend." It got me started looking at cardboard furniture resources, and I discovered that there's a whole world of cardboard building going on out there (besides the famous Frank Gehry cardboard chair). Take a look:

Akira at dandanews made this cardboard bookshelf with large cardboard pieces she had on hand.

These were all designed and created by the French artist collective, the Cartonnistes, founded by (genius) Eric Guiomar. Guiomar actually teaches classes in cardboard furniture making, and he offers an instructional dvd through Vine Street Works.

Even a cardboard house. Architect Shigeru Ban designed these cardboard log homes to be emergency shelters after the Kobe earthquake in Japan. I think they're pretty cute.

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