Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Crafty Rx for a Bad Mood

Ever just have a day when you feel useless at everything?  Yesterday was one of those for me....  Work going nowhere, tired of my messy & undecorated apartment, unable to work out because of an old foot injury, and just feeling alone.

So a little venting:  Why don't I have some actual hobbies or exciting events in my life?  I feel like I don't even have clear interests anymore (I'll blame law school).  Once, I knew where I wanted to go in life and had definite interests that I pursued.  But now I just feel kind of lost and incompetent.

Luckily, though, there's one thing guaranteed to pick me up from any blue mood:  using scissors!  Yup, just spend 15 minutes cutting out pretty pictures from magazines, and (if you're like me) you won't be able to help feeling a little better.  Sure, maybe nothing's actually improved, but a quick round of snipping gives me hope that things will be better soon.

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