Monday, August 4, 2008

Gift Wrap Re-Use

 Hi guys, sorry for no posts in a while.  I've been sick.  Hopefully, I'll do better this week, but I am going out of town late in the week, so I'm not making any promises.

I often find myself saving supplies (cardboard comes to mind) with no actual plan for how I can reuse these useful items for some kind of craft.   For those of you who have wrapping paper lying around for no apparent reason, I thought I'd post some ideas.

I found a few ideas via Tickled Pink:

::  Use pieces of old wrapping paper as cummerbunds around the gifts.
::  Use pieces of old wrapping paper to make a collage for new wrapping or create works of art.
::  Cut into squares and make origami.
::  Put it through a paper shredder for stuffing other gift bags and gifts going in the mail.
::  Decoupage it onto cardboard or wooden shapes to make decorations.
::  Use it as a mat for picture frames.

A few more thoughts:

::  Instead of using it as just a mat for picture frames, you could actually just use especially pretty wrapping paper as a picture itself.
::  Use it to make kirigami flowers
::  Add it to some blank card stock and make pretty greeting cards

Good luck!

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